DP-Rail - Digital Platform Rail (Visual + Logo)

Spurred on by the Rail Freight Forward (RFF) initiative, the railway sector acknowledged that only a collective approach to the issue of data exchange would deliver the much-needed benefits for the sector and for society. This has led to the proposal to move in the direction of a Digital Platform with the objective to remove interoperability barriers in the freight market.

The “Digital Platform for Rail Freight” (DP-RAIL) project aims to achieve a decisive leap towards completing the SERA by transforming the current fragmented data exchange landscape through the set-up of a TAF-TSI compliant common interface enabling easy data provision and consumption for all RUs.





To enable seamless interoperable data exchange across borders and companies


To allow low-cost integration of small(er) entities and players


To enhance standardisation and support TSI implementation


To avoid multilateral, customized and costly interfaces


To reduce manual data gathering efforts for participating entities


To enable better utilization of capacity


To support EU environmental goals


To enable for future 3rd party innovation


By 2026, we want to achieve seamless, interoperable data exchange for core rail freight operations through a trusted digital ecosystem and have identified a set of use cases to achieve this.

Digital Train Operation (DTO)

Digital Train Composition (DTC)

Digital Consignment Note (DCN)

Track and Trace, telematic sharing

How does DP-RAIL contribute to the big picture?​

Removal of interoperability barriers and contribution to SERA : Single European railway area


Enable TSI compliance and implementation


DP-RAIL supports the goal and ambition of the European Green Deal

DP-RAIL contributes to the TEN-T priorities

Partners / Consortium

First movers are engaging!

Supported by

News & Events

High-Level Freight Meeting 2023

The European rail freight operators held their yearly meeting to discuss the transformation journey they have embarked on. Amazing panels where the discussion illustrated the importance of seamless data exchange and the potential brought about by initiatives such as...

Madrid last week was a wonderful stage to present and engage on the DP-RAIL project!

Seamless exchange of operational data is definitely a subject that triggers a lot of interest, even beyond freight. Many thanks to all the stakeholders for their questions and interest. in the meantime work continues and the team is busy analysing all the offers...

The story of DP-RAIL continues! Tender documentation is available.

If you want to be part of the journey and shape the future of operational data exchange in rail freight, have a look at the tender documentation which is available from the procurement section of the UIC website: uic.org/procurement

The DP-RAIL CEF Consortium met in Brussels on September 05, 2023 for the Kick-off of the DP-RAIL project

The DP-RAIL CEF Consortium met in Brussels on September 05, 2023 for the Kick-off of the DP-RAIL project. Experts and leaders from CFL, Lineas, DB Cargo, PKP Cargo, RCG, and RailData aligned on the project timeline, milestones and working model. The DP-RAIL project...

8th plenary meeting of the Telematics Expert Group

RailData Vice-Chairman MATTHIAS MAECHLER presented RailData and its services (ORFEUS, ISR, COREDA) to foster data exchange between freight railway undertakings at the 8th plenary meeting of the Telematics Expert Group on May 25th in Frankfurt. He explained RailData's...

The RFF DP project team meets at UIC

The RFF DP project team meets at UIC to discuss the future of data sharing for the rail freight sector. Thanks to the @railfreightforward CIOs and Sherpas who participated on site and remotely (CFL Cargo, CD Cargo, DB Cargo, Green Cargo, Lineas, Medway, PKP Cargo, RCG...

DP-RAIL was presented at UNECE virtual event on 4th April 2023

Ms. Sandra GEHENOT, Director of the UIC Freight Department, presented the DP-RAIL initiative at the UNECE meeting on 4th April. Under the digital and green transformations for sustainable development, Ms. GEHENOT emphasized the urgent need for a significant modal...

A status update meeting on the cooperation in the field of Digital Train Information was held on 15th March 2023 with RailData and RNE experts.

A status update meeting on the cooperation in the field of Digital Train Information was held on 15th March 2023 with RailData and RNE experts. Data exchange scenarios between RailData and RNE systems and options for operationalization were jointly presented and...

Towards a stronger sector collaboration: UIC and RNE sign a Memorandum of Understanding

RailNetEurope (RNE) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) will collaborate more closely to contribute to a more efficient, competitive, digital, and sustainable European rail system. Paul Mazataud, President of RNE, and François Davenne, Director General of...

Successful DP-RAIL and RNE workshops and achievement of a commonly agreed Domain model

A Digital Platform for the rail freight ecosystem is one of the Rail Freight Forward (RFF) game changers which will help transform the rail freight landscape and support the EU interoperability objectives.We are shaping this together with key partners and future...
Funding & tenders (europa.eu): Digital Platform for Rail Freight

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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